fm%I¾ l=lrfha wdydr msiSfï m%fhdack

uq¿;ekaf.hs WmlrK wo fjf<|fmdf<a ksmojkafka .DyKshf.a ld¾hhka myiq lrjk wdldrhghs' fï w;ßka fm%I¾ l=lrho Tfí bjqï msyqï myiq lrjk ld¾hlaIu;dj jeä WmlrKhla' fï oelafjkafka fm%I¾ l=lrh iïnkaO ñ:Hd u; lsysmhls'

1' wdydrj, wvx.= úgñka yd Lksc ,jK úkdY ùu'

fuh je/È u;hls' fm%I¾ W÷fka t<j¿ ;ïnk úg tys wvx.= fmdaIKh r|jd .ekSfï yelshdj fuh i;=hs' ukao ;ïnd.;a c,fha tu fmdaIKh wvx.= jk ksid tajd fjk;a iqma mdkhlg fyda ilia lr .ekSfuka tajd keje; fmdaIKh mdkhla f,i .; yels ksihs'

2' wêl WIaK;ajfha§ fm%I¾ W÷fkka wys;lr o%jHhla msgùu'

fjk;a úÿ,s WmlrK fuka fkdj wêl WIK;ajhlg jqj;a welaßf,duhsâ kï jQ wys;lr ixfhda. ksmojkafka ke;' th isÿjkafka fydÈ j¾. jeä fõ,djla wêl WIaK;ajh iys; Ndckj, ;sfnk ksihs' kuq;a blaukska tu ld¾hh fm%I¾ W÷fkka isÿjk ksid tjekakla isÿ fkdfjhs'

3' fm%I¾ W÷fka msi.;a wdydr ÔjdkqyrK ù we;s ksid YS;lrK .; fkdlr miqÈk wdydrhg .ekSug yels nj'

fm%I¾ W÷fka wdydr msisk úg tajd ÔjdkqyrKh ùug kï hï ld,hla .;fjhs' thg ñks;a;= 30laj;a .;úh yelshs' fndfyduhla nelaàßhd u¾okh jkafka fujeks WIaK;ajhla hgf;ahs' tu ksid kej; miqÈkg wdydr l,a;nd .;fyd;a úIîc j¾Okh úh yelshs'

fm%I¾ W÷fka msi .ekSfï jdis

1' wdydrj, fmdaIKh yd rih r|jd .kshs'

fjk;a W÷kl wdydr jeä fõ,djla msi .kakjdg jvd laIKslj wdydr msfik ksid fm%I¾ W÷fkka Tfí wdydrj, fmdaIKh iq/flkjd' wvq fõ,djla ;=< j;=r wvqfjka fhdod msi .ekSu fuhg fya;=jhs' túg tys kejqï meyeh wdrlaId jk w;ru fyd| rihlao ,nd.; yelshs' j;=r jeämqr oud jeä fõ,djla msisk úg tys wvx.= úgñka yd Lksc ,jK úkdY ù hhs' fï ksid wdydr jvd rij;a yd fmdaIKh f,i wdydrhg .kak fuh lÈu ms<shuls'

2' wdydr msisk ld,h wvqùu

idudkH W÷fka wdydr msiskjdg jvd 70]l fõ.fhka fm%I¾ W÷fka t<j¿ msi.; yelshs' ksfjfia wfkla lghq;= w;r;=r .DyKshlg wdydr msiSugo jeä ld,hla .; lsÍug isÿfjhs' fuu.ska Tfí ld¾hh myiq lrñka wdydrj, rih yd .=Kho wdrlaId fjhs'

3' uq¿;eka f.h isis,aj ;nd .kshs'

.Eia Wÿkl fuka wdydr msisk úg bka kef.k jd;h msg;g meñ”u fm%I¾ W÷kl isÿ fkdfjhs' tu jd;h msg;g tau j<lajd ta ;=<u r|jd .ksñka wdydrh msiSfuka miqj th úis,a kdohla f,i ix{djla ,ndfohs' WKqiqï foaY.=Khla mj;sk úg wdydrj, WKqiqu msg;g meñ”u je<elaùfuka uq¿;ekaf.hs WIaK;ajh wvqùu ksid Tfí ld¾hhkaj,go myiqjls'

Yd,sld rx.kS iurÈjdlr
- uõìu


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