fï ueIsfuka fjk foa ÿgqfjd;a Tn uú;hg m;a fõú

neÆ ne,aug fïl ys;d.kak neß l=ulao fïflka fjkafka lsh, Wyf;dfldaál m%Yak je,la Tfí isf;a mek k.skq we;' iaùvka cd;sl ix.S;{fhl= jk Martin Molin wjqreÿ folla uykais fj,d ;uhs fïl f.dv k., ;sfhkafka' The Wintergatan Marble Machine f,i kï lr we;s fuh hlv fnda, 2000 lg wêl m%udKhla fhdodf.k ;uhs ;k,d ;sfhkafka' tfiau wNHka;r fldgia 3000 lg wêl m%udKhla Ndú;d fj,d ;sfhkjd' fï WmlrKfhka fjkafka fudllao lshd Tn ÿgqfjd;a uú;hg m;a jkq fkdwkqudkhs'


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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I already see and read more about this music instrument on another blog. it is really awesome but what you thing is it really easy to operate this music machine?

  3. Hope this music machine work really well as there are many thing unique in this machine that are hard to operate like marble component. But i think you can easily produce beats with this machine by using the quality recording headphones.


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